Go discover, Author at Interactive Learning Series for kids

Go discover

Supporting children’s mental health and well-being in the face of academic pressure

There is tremendous academic pressure on children right from childhood till adulthood. Academic pressure must be handled diligently by both parents and educators as it directly impacts their mental health over time. Parents and educators must not just educate themselves but they need to watch out for signs and symptoms of mental health issues of their children; they need to teach children how to manage academic stress or pressure. Mental health has long been neglected although it has a high impact on one’s overall health. Mental health is as important as physical health and children must be supported in every way possible to help deal with any kind of academic pressure.   Extreme academic stress can be because of various reasons: parents have unrealistic expectations of their child’s academic performance; children feel high pressure from their peers or teachers; or children may be pushing themselves too hard to achieve goals that are beyond their capabilities. Children are too young and naive to recognize when their mental health is affected. They are ill-prepared or are unaware of how to reach out for help or how to recognize the symptoms. They need maximum support from their parents and teachers and even friends.   We see the adverse effects of such mental pressure of academic pressure in our society. There are instances when children take extreme measures like self-harm, suicide or drugs to overcome their mental health issues. There are countless ways it negatively impacts them.   In order to help support your child’s mental health and well being, there are a couple of things that can be done by parents, teachers or close family and friends.   Spend personal time with children Children need undivided attention from their parents or caregivers. They need to feel safe, secure, loved and cared for. To this extent, parents should take out some time from their daily schedule to fit in one-on-one time with their child. A time when they sit together, chat about various things, connect emotionally and give them assurance that they are always there for them. Speak to them and ask them about their day, their friends, their academics, their interests and so on. It is only when you are connected with your child at a personal level that you are able to help them when they need you.   Keep your eyes open for any significant behavioral changes When you consistently connect with your child, you are more likely to pick up any kind of behavioral changes at the earliest. The faster you recognize, the easier it is to get help from a professional if required. Notice your child’s daily schedule, their emotions, moods, attitudes and habits. Any deviation that may be out of the usual could be something to watch out for. Speak to your child about those changes and get to know the root cause. Ease any kind of academic pressure by helping them take a break from the stress triggers. Plan something that you think will be fun for your child. When your child feels emotionally and mentally supported, they are in a better position to deal with mental health issues.   Encourage children to pursue a hobby or outdoor activity From childhood, nurture your child’s interests and encourage them to pursue their interests. Hobbies like painting, singing, playing an instrument, gardening, cooking and many others are a great way to help your child do something with joy. These are hobbies that they are passionate about. It makes them happy. They act like stress busters and increase their enjoyment in life. Having no hobbies will make their life mundane and boring and if they face academic pressure, they are more likely to have deeper mental health issues.   Inculcate healthy food habits Parents play a major role in inculcating healthy food habits right from when their child starts eating solid food. Healthy food habits have a direct impact on a child’s physical and even mental health wellbeing. Unhealthy food choices are the cause for several physical and mental illnesses. Teaching your child, the importance of eating healthy will have a lasting positive impact on lives. Children later grow up to manage their eating habits and ensure they stick to a healthy lifestyle as they are more aware of the consequences of unhealthy food choices.   Teach children to know and manage their own feelings and emotions A child needs to be taught through real life scenarios regarding their own emotions and feelings, how to deal with them and how to reach out for help when they undergo difficult emotions. They need to be taught techniques to manage their emotions and feelings. Parents and teachers must extend their support to children when they go through tough times. Counseling or professional help through therapy are some ways that your child will be benefitted when they go through academic pressure.   Loving and caring relationships between parents and children is key for parents to extend their much-needed support to their children in times of all kinds of pressure or stress. Maintaining healthy mental health must be given top priority alongside physical wellbeing.

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Managing screen time and technology use in a rapidly changing digital landscape

Use of screen time in today’s world includes different kinds of screens like mobile phones, ipads, laptops, television and more. Life without screens is nearly impossible today which is why children are exposed to screens right from their childhood or even their birth! Exposure to screens cannot be completely avoided in such circumstances. But there are ways to manage or limit screen time so that children are benefited from it and not suffer because of it.   Benefits of screen time: There is some research backed educational content available on different media platforms like youtube, Netflix, TV and so on. These include preschool content that helps children learn language, communication, fine or gross motor skills and more. For example, Miss Rachel is a YouTube channel that is wonderful for preschoolers or toddlers as it is filled with lots of amazing learning content. Children learn to sing, dance, say their first words, sentences and more! It does not have flashy or addictive content that harms the eye sight of little children. Parents must be vigilant in picking the right educational content for their children as not all educational content is beneficial. There is a definite need for parents to do their research before exposing their children to any kind of screen time. For instance, research shows that certain YouTube or other channels for children seem educational but in fact they are causing harm to your child by making them get addicted to them. Children feel a strong inclination to keep watching screens for long periods of time leading to screen addiction. Parents should always keep an eye on their child’s screen time so as to stop their child from getting too attached or addicted to screen time.   Limiting screen time: Screen time for little ones must be limited to no more than 1 hour per day. But this does not mean they sit for that one hour at a stretch. The time must be split into shorter durations of 10-15 mins during the day. This will reduce the stress and strain on the little one’s eyes. Often children watch screens for long periods of time where their eyes are exposed to the screen’s blue light and all the bright colorful flashing lights on the screen. Such exposure is very harmful to children as they are also exposed to the device’s radiation. Limiting screen time will stop children from getting addicted to screen time which is a common sight in children today. Parents must be aware of the awful consequences of screen time on their children and take necessary steps to stop any kind of screen addiction. Allowing screen time does not mean that children can screen time right before their sleep time. They must not be allowed to watch screens at least 1-2 hours before bedtime as it disrupts their sleep at night.   Effects of screen time on a child’s mental health: Screen time can have significant side effects on a child’s physical and mental health. Watching screens for too long leads to insomnia,violent behavior, obesity in children and mental health issues like anxiety, depression, attention deficit, hyperactivity and more. Children lose their ability to pay attention to the world around them. They stop learning from the stimuli around them. They find it difficult to make social interactions with people around them. Reading books for example, would help a child to process the pictures, words and emotions that they see and hear, thereby helping them comprehend and understand whatever is being read to them. Children lose the ability to concentrate and focus on their daily activities and always seek entertainment in the form of screen time. They may not perform well in their academics as well. Children often lose their ability to think creatively and be imaginative if they are constantly exposed to outside entertainment in the form of screen time. In the absence of screen time, children observe the world around them, their surroundings and learn to explore and learn through free play time. Children learn the most by observing human interactions. Screen time takes this away from them leading to the inability of children to learn and regulate human emotions, feelings and empathy. They lack social skills that are so crucial for their entire lifetime. In the absence of screen time, a child’s brain develops in the way it is meant to develop and its benefits last a lifetime. A child will not be able to learn how to control their own emotions, read other’s emotions and struggle to make social interactions and play with their peers. The emotional health of the child is affected due to excessive exposure to screens. Research Failure of parents to guide their child by limiting or even eliminating screen time will impact the child’s overall development and health adversely. Relationships between family members are directly affected because of screen addiction. Family rules like no TV in the bedrooms, no screens during meal times, during car travel can help build healthy family relationships.

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Introducing healthy eating habits and home-cooked meals in an era of fast food

Food is the most integral and basic part of our lives. And, childhood is the phase in life where healthy eating habits are developed through exposure to different kinds of food, textures, colours, flavours, and aromas. Parents, especially mothers or primary caregivers have a major influence on a child’s eating habits. For this reason, it is imperative that they are well informed about the importance of healthy eating habits.   Reasons to inculcate healthy eating habits: Healthy eating habits includes not just eating all kinds of vegetables and fruits, but also includes eating home-cooked food. This doesn’t mean that all home cooked meals are healthy. Deep fried foods, heavy use of refined oils, use of high salt and sugar in the meal preparation are very unhealthy. Healthy way of cooking ensures the vegetables are cooked in the right way. For instance, steam or boil and pan-fry vegetables instead of deep frying them. Home cooked meals are made with much care as hygiene is maintained whilst preparing meals (washing/cleaning vegetables or fruits properly, cooking in clean and tidy environment and utensils). This ensures maximum nutrition being given to your child. Your child’s immune system is still developing and needs maximum amount of nutrition in their everyday meals.   The role of nutritious food in a child’s diet: Nutrition is very crucial during the early years of every child. Afterall, we are what are surroundings are, aren’t we? Parents or primary caregivers play a key role in shaping the eating habits of a child. They are the role models for everything – personality traits, character, habits, behaviours, language and more. And therefore, parents and primary caregivers need to follow healthy eating habits so that the child also learns to eat nutritious food. Nutritional meals include properly cleaned and well cooked vegetables in various forms; fruits that are locally sourced, cleaned well and added to the child’s diet; healthy snacks that are prepared at home and so on. Deep frying foods on a regular basis is unhealthy as the food loses all its nutritional value. Fruits must be thoroughly washed and given by cutting them into pieces or as it is to retain maximum nutrition. Fruit juices are not as healthy as they have high sugar content but can be given occasionally. Adopting healthy eating habits during childhood ensures the child continues to make healthy food choices for the rest of their life. It does take a lot of effort to prepare home cooked meals but by planning ahead, and involving the child in the meal preparation, it can be a fun time to bond well with each other and develop a sense of shared responsibility. Children are more likely to eat healthy when they are involved in the meal preparation that includes going to the farmer’s market to get fresh vegetables and fruits, washing them and helping out wherever they can. This also makes it a wonderful family time as well. Lack of nutrition leads to loss of immunity that directly impacts the overall health of a child. Parents who ensure their child eats nutritional food are the ones who are laying a strong foundation for their child’s health for a lifetime! A healthy child is a happy child who grows up to be a healthy individual with strong immunity.   Growth and development according to age: Healthy eating habits ensure that your child gets all the valuable nutrition that is required for their growth and development. It helps them grow well and meet their developmental milestones as they grow at a rapid pace in their early years. It helps them develop a healthy relationship with food so that they grow up to make healthy food choices in life. Fast food is the biggest threat to a child’s physical and mental health. In the absence of healthy home cooked nutritious meals, the child tends to crave for and love the tasty junk foods that have zero nutritional value.   Protection against several diseases and illnesses: The world we live in is ever changing and we are witnesses to a pandemic that we never imagined would strike us in such a horrific way! Having a strong immunity goes a long way when such life threating viruses or diseases emerge in our environment. Immunity is built over time and the ones who have had healthy eating habits from their childhood benefit to a great extent. Their bodies are better prepared to fight the illnesses. Parents and primary caregivers must take responsibility to provide nutritious healthy home cooked meals on a day-to-day basis.   To provide better mental health: Research on the relationship between child’s diet and mental health has proved that there is indeed a strong connection between the two. Children whose diet includes healthy nutritious food are less susceptible to mental health issues like anxiety, depression and more. This makes it all the more essential for parents and primary caregivers to ensure that their child is given the most nutritious food that includes vegetables, fruits, nuts and so on. Depriving them of healthy nutritious home cooked food will directly impact not just the child’s physical health but also their mental wellbeing.   Healthy Fast-food options It is impossible to keep children away from fast food completely. They are exposed to it in their surroundings and they do feel the need to try it out. For this reason, fast food or junk food can be given to your child but do it occasionally and in moderation. You can also swap ingredients to make delicious fast food at home. For instance, you can make grill or air fried sweet potatoes instead of French fries. You can swap sugar with jaggery, you can make healthy ice cream at home without any artificial preservatives, colours, or unhealthy sweeteners. Swap refined oils with ghee, butter to add nutritional value to your child’s diet. Include eggs, meat, paneer, make healthy pizzas with whole wheat flour. Swap refined flour with whole wheat flour or oats flour or almond flour.

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Impact of Celebrating Festivals with Children

Celebrating festivals with family and friends is always a time of great joy, harmony and peace in our homes and lives. Festivals are those precious times when there is a lot of excitement in people’s homes. Everyone looks forward to spending time with their loved ones. Every family has a way of celebrating festivals that are unique to their family traditions and culture that is passed down from generations. Children will learn about it all only when they are made a part of such celebrations.   Learn about one’s tradition and culture: Based on factors like religion, region and language, every family celebrates a particular set of festivals. They follow various traditions and rituals as part of their celebrations. Children, being very inquisitive about everything around them and their surroundings, love to enjoy every aspect of the celebrations. They observe and participate in those traditions and rituals and learn about their significance in their family. All these get imbibed into their minds and stay with them all their lives. This way, they carry their family traditions and culture with them wherever they go and pass on to their children when they grow up too.   Form strong family relationships and bonds: Any relationship grows strong when enough time is spent together. This time of togetherness means spending time doing lots of things together. It could be participating in preparing decorative things during festival times, cooking a special dish together, sharing chores, talking, or explaining the importance of family traditions and so on. Time spent together increases a sense of belonging, a sense of being cared for and loved. Spending time together during festivals makes children feel connected to their parents. Every family member feels a tight bond with one another. Strong family relationships are important for children to be emotionally stable and make them happy individuals. They grow up to be confident individuals because they know that their family has their back at any point in life. Strong bonds once formed during childhood last a lifetime.   Learn respect and build social relationships: Schools also celebrate all festivals with children through fun activities and games. This teaches children about festivals that may not necessarily be celebrated at home. They learn to respect other religions and festivals celebrated by others in their community. They learn to build social relationships with people from other cultures and traditions. This makes children more tolerant and understanding towards other cultures and festivals they see around them. They learn to appreciate others and form wonderful friendships too.   We see how celebrating festivals with children can have such a profound impact on their lives. Childhood is made even more beautiful when parents, family members and schools celebrate with them and give them a great opportunity to participate in every aspect of the festival. Festivals are not just exciting times where we eat special food or decorate our homes or wear new traditional clothes but it is also the most valuable family time where children make bonds forever. Children bond deeply with their mother, father, sister, brother, grandparents, other family members and close friends. Fun things like decorating the house with flowers or lights is a family activity. Children can also help their parents in preparing delicious delicacies like special sweets or meals, dressing up together and helping each other is all part of the celebration. Children can be dressed up in traditional clothing and jewellery during these special times. It gets them very excited and enjoy the festivities with their whole heart, mind, and soul.

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Building positive sibling relationships and managing sibling rivalry

It is only human that every first-born experiences new feelings on the arrival of a sibling or a new born baby in their home. They feel a range of emotions and feelings like being overwhelmed, jealousy, confusion, frustration, anxiety, insecurity and so on. Parents must prepare ahead and make all necessary efforts to create positive sibling relationships right from the beginning. This goes a long way in managing or even driving away feelings of sibling rivalry from the minds of the little ones. There are several ways or strategies that parents can adopt in order to build such healthy sibling relationships.   Encourage siblings to bond: Siblings must be allowed to bond right from the birth of the second child. Speak to the elder sibling and help them bond with the little baby through play time, story time and so on. Sibling bonds are formed at this stage although it keeps changing as they grow up. Parents must encourage positive relationship building between the siblings by intervening whenever necessary to help them form a strong bond. During daily chores, meal times and play time, parents can actively spend time with the siblings and encourage them to bond organically.   Focus on giving enough care and time to elder sibling: Often parents feel overwhelmed on the arrival of their second child with increased responsibilities and sleep deprivation. During this time, the elder sibling feels left out or not cared for as parents majorly focus on the newborn sibling. The elder sibling starts to have feelings of jealousy, anxiety, possessiveness and so on. Giving the elder sibling enough one-on-one attention, care and showering them with love will fill the elder sibling’s love tank. This helps the elder sibling in forming a wonderful bond with their younger sibling and with the parents too.   Avoid comparison: Any kind of comparison between siblings will lead to sibling rivalry. Parents and family members must consciously avoid saying things that make a child feel inferior or less cared for compared to the other sibling. Parents who always compare siblings indirectly push their children to dislike each other or have negative feelings towards each other as they grow up. Sibling rivalry indirectly creeps into their lives because of the way parents or immediate family members treat or talk to the siblings. Educate yourself as a parent and educate your family members in order to create positive sibling relationships that last a lifetime.   Encourage taking turns: As siblings grow up, they will argue or quarrel for the same toys or books and throw tantrums. If parents are partial towards the younger sibling, there is a high chance for sibling rivalry to creep in. Parents must actively work towards not letting sibling rivalry get worse. Sibling rivalry often starts when both siblings want the same thing and quarrel with each other. This is when parents must intervene and create a healthy playing environment where taking turns is encouraged during play time. Parents must keep in mind that this is done gently and politely making it easy for siblings to learn how to share and care for each other.   Model behaviors and appropriate communication: It is a known fact that children mimic whatever they see and observe around them. This means parents must take full responsibility for their own actions and words so that their children learn the right thing to do. Modeling appropriate behaviors and actions while dealing with siblings helps children mimic the same during their interactions. Communication is key to building positive sibling relationships.   Expressing equal love and compassion: Parents always must see that siblings are shown the same love, kindness, and compassion without any partiality. Siblings can easily sense when they are not loved like the other siblings. They immediately get affected by such behavior and in the long run, this leads to sibling rivalry. It’s important for parents to treat their children in the same way whether it’s through their words or actions. Even if on an occasion, parents fail to do so, they must try to speak to the child and say sorry and convey to them how much they love and care for them.   Having strong sibling relationships is key to strong family relationships when they grow up to be adults. Positive and happy family ties help family members deal with everything with ease because they have the social, emotional and mental support. In the absence of which, people tend to suffer from loneliness, anxiety, depression and so on. This shows the great role of building positive sibling relationships right from their childhood. Peace between siblings means peace in the family that binds them tight and prepares them to face the big world together. Siblings with strong bonds are there for each other to support and care for even in the absence of their parents.

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Why are books a vital part of a child’s growing age?

Books. Books fill a child’s mind with lots of wonder and amazement! Children innately are extremely curious about what is inside these magical books! The colorful images and words bring out their desire to know and understand things around them. Early exposure to books in a child’s life plays a vital role in the development of several skills that shape their personality, character and future. Like to know how? Read for yourself here! Cognitive and Language Development Children build their vocabulary to a large extent through listening. When you read a book, the child picks up vocabulary and language skills that are crucial for communication and building confidence as well. They are better equipped to express themselves verbally with a good grasp of the language they listen to. Additionally, they also pick up a new language other than their mother tongue! 2. Building Creativity and Imagination Listening to books boosts a child’s creativity and imagination as they go into a fictional world where their imagination thrives. A child gets to think creatively, think out of the box because imagination then comes naturally to them. Creativity as a skill is one of the major skills a child will benefit from to a great extent in their everyday life. 3. Help make bonds and associations Children form strong bonds and associations with the people who read to them and also with the characters or the things in those books. It helps them connect better with the people and world around them. This is essential for them to learn how to build relationships with people in real life and strengthen those bonds too. 4. Listening and Comprehension skills The attention span of a child is hardly a few minutes and therefore reading books that they love or are curious about helps them learn to pay attention for a longer time. That is, it helps improve their attention span. Children get engrossed as they listen to the words, expressions and emotions in the books, thereby enabling them to comprehend the content they listen to in a meaningful way. 5. Emotional and Social Development Books also build a child’s emotional skills as they listen, see and understand the different pictures, emotions and feelings, expressions and reactions from you. Their emotional intelligence grows exponentially through book reading. They also learn key social skills through the way the characters in the books interact with each other. Educational books for kids help learn some major skills like reading, writing, listening, and speaking and more! There are plenty of educational books for 2- 4 years olds and older kids in the market today. For younger children, look for Pre-Nursery books or toys that are backed with research and are proven to build skills in children. All these skills mold a child in a beautiful way and give them the life skills they need to be successful in every aspect of their life. Click here to check our blog on top 5 picks based on FirstCry rating for your little one!

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Top 5 educational book picks for your child

Today, more than ever before, there is a tremendous range of books available! Both Indian and global content! Books for babies and toddlers like bedtime stories, touch and feel books, preschool curriculum-based books, books to learn about fun things like dinosaurs, interactive books, activity based Educational Smart books and lots more. Every book tries to develop skills that are essential for the emotional, mental and intellectual skill development in a child. Most of them are under the categories: Picture Story Books/Board Books Story Books Interactive Smart Books Rhymes and Poetry Books Educational Books From among the vast range of books that are available, we have picked the top educational books for your 1+ year old children. These books are picked based on high customer satisfaction and ratings as of October 2022 on Firstcry. You will see the value these books bring into the lives of your child, only once they start to use them. The ratings are taken directly from the website which makes it not only reliable but also real time. Let’s move to the list and begin with the wonderful book journey of your precious little one!  1. Babyboard Book Set by Babyhug Rating: 4.4 / Age group: 1 to 4 year olds This is a set of 10 board books perfect for your babies and toddlers too! The board books include the alphabet, shapes & sizes, birds, colors, body parts, fruits and vegetables, vehicles, animals, numbers and first words! This could be the very first set of educational books you could purchase for your child. 2. Sank Magic Practice Copy Book by ADKD Rating: 4.1 / Age group: 3 to 5 year olds Once your toddler starts preschool, you could purchase this set of reusable tracing books. These are wonderful for toddlers to do some tracing as they pick up their writing skills. The fun part is that your child can re-do the same books again and again as the tracing disappears in less than 30 minutes! That indirectly makes it more fun and helps them get lots of writing practice! The set includes alphabet tracing, number tracing, drawing and math concepts like addition and subtraction. 3. Little Librarian by Majestic Book Club Rating: 4.2 / Age group: 1 to 3 year olds This is a set of 24 board books covering all the important topics that help prepare your child for school. The set includes topics like action words, things around me, toys, rhymes and more! 4. Story Books by Young Angels Publishing Rating 4.3 / Age group: 3 to 8 year olds This is a set of 20 wonderfully illustrated story books that children would fall in love with. See them listen and enjoy stories like Cinderella, The Little Red Riding Hood, The Intelligent Lamb and many such fun stories! 5. SmartBook by Godiscover Interactions Rating: 4.8 / Age group: 2+ year olds The goDiscover Smart Book kit is unique from the rest of the books in this list as this kit includes a talking Pen to learn from the 9-research based, interactive smart books that engages your child with or without your help! The re-recordable stickers are an added wonder for creating own content at home.

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10 reasons why not to compare your child with others

Every child is born with unique traits, talents, attitudes and personalities. As parents, you love your child just the way they are, don’t you? After all, they are a piece of your heart! Children are a precious gift from above! As parents, you are responsible for bringing up their children with the right values, provide education and mould them into kind and compassionate humans. We all agree that parenting is not a smooth ride. It’s beautiful but comes with some challenging times as well. This makes parenting a roller coaster ride- filled with adventurous and sweet memories too. While a father and mother are considered role models, sometimes we do not act in a healthy positive way towards our children. In this fast-paced world filled with endless opportunities to gain knowledge and skills, we end up comparing our little young minds to others children or even their siblings. Now, for some, this might sound like the ideal thing to do to push or motivate children to perform better either in their academics or sports but this is NOT the way to go if you want to build your child to become their confident self when they grow up and achieve their full potential. Let us look at ten reasons why as a parent, you must never compare your child with other children or siblings. Causes low self-esteem: Children look up to their parents for their attention, unconditional love and care. And when that parent, compares them to others, especially to point out their weakness, they get thrown away in an instant! It’s a terribly frightening experience for a child to hear. It makes them feel less about their capabilities and makes them feel unloved, and lonely too. Over time they suffer from low self-esteem. Causes anxiety and increases stress on their tiny minds It’s common that children feel anxious every time they underperform. Each child is different- not everyone is good at math. Each child has different strengths and weaknesses. Some are good at cricket and some can swim well. The same applies to us adults as well, don’t you think? So, when you compare your child for not performing up to your expectations, it puts a great amount of stress on their mind. Anxiety and stress in a young mind deteriorate their mental health. This hinders a child’s growth even in areas where their strength lies. Lose their confidence Put yourselves in your child’s shoes for a moment. How would you feel if your boss compares you to other colleagues in front of others? Think about how you would feel if no matter how hard you work, you are never appreciated? And how would you feel if your boss things that make you feel you can never be good enough for the job? Now, think of your child in the same way. You are not a boss to your child. But, you are their mother…you are their father! You are their everything! So, when you compare your child in a negative light, you are indirectly hurting them; you are displaying that your love is conditional and that you don’t value them. Your child feels worthless and it makes them lose their confidence. What a tragedy is that! No parent would want this for their child. Yet, many say such things without realising the life-long damage it does to their little one’s mind and soul. Pause and think before you use words that you feel might hurt your child. Makes your child feel unimportant When do you, as an adult or as a parent feel important? You would feel important when you are heard; when you are loved through words and actions, right? Would you feel important if your spouse or family member or friend does not value how you feel; does not listen to your words or says hurtful things about your capabilities? Absolutely no, right? Your child also feels the same – that he/she is not important in the family. That they are not a valued member anymore. Makes a child feel shy and insecure The consequence of losing confidence is that the child feels shy and prefers to stay away from interacting with you and others. This humiliation creates an insecurity. Gradually, it leads to feelings of loneliness causing developmental issues in some children. Child resents parents/siblings/other children If parents continue to compare throughout the early years, the child starts to resent his/her own parent or siblings to the extent that the bitterness gets into the mind of the child forever. This impacts the kind of relationships the child forms even with others in the society. In many real-life cases, it has been observed that the child grows up to behave exactly like their parent! We need to break this chain of resentment and hatred to create a more compassionate world. It all starts with you as a parent. You hold a big role in the society, so be the parent you would want to have yourself. Good parenting is a necessity. Child becomes introverted Comparison makes a child introverted and effects their confidence. They do not freely share their opinions or thoughts. They refuse to socialise. It changes their personality forever because of the huge negative impact on her mind. Negative impact on relationships Children grow up to have very less interaction with their peers leading to few or no strong relationship with friends or family. Fear of rejections creeps into them. Therefore, they end up leading lonely lives. Makes a child unhappy This is obvious, isn’t it? How can children be happy if they feel their mother or father always blame them or point out their weakness? Unhappy. Sad. Frustrated. These are just a few words to describe what they feel. Prolonged unhappiness leads to mental health issues like depression creating a void that is hard to fill. It’s a parents responsibility to not let this happen. Impacts child’s future in a negative way Parents wish only good, only the very best for their children.

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How does audio help a child grow in a way that video doesn’t?

There is a drastic change in education. Education during pandemic is heavily relying on online or virtual learning platforms. There are diverse ways one can make classes interesting. Some are using new technology-based products and teaching aids available in the market. Audio content is one aspect that makes learning fun and engaging for children. Anything in addition to paper-based products gives a sense of excitement. We should note that both audio and video content have benifits. But in this blog, we will look into how audio content helps a child in grow in various aspects. Before the emergence of video, audio content was a major source of entertainment for the young and old. However, during the pandemic, there is extensive use of video. While video has its own positive and negative effects on a child’s development, let’s see uses of audio content. 1) Language skills: Auditory, Visual and Kinesthetic learning environments gives effective learning. Every child has a unique style of learning that works the best for them. Use of all three learning styles is beneficial to the overall development of a child. Audio makes the listener, in this case, a child to pay attention to the language being used in the audio. To learn from audio, a child doesn’t need to sit still, doesn’t have to look at a screen or doesn’t even need to be alert or awake. This means development of skills mentioned above. 2) Vocabulary, Pronunciation & Accent: Childs focus in audio is to the language used, the words spoken. Even the accent, the pronunciation and the expressions. Children imitate these words in the accent and pronunciation they heard them in and develop their verbal language and presentation skills. A child’s vocabulary improves to a large extent through rhymes, action songs and stories. 3) Sentence structure: Listening to audio content like rhymes or stories help a child understand the sentence structures. Improves their grammar expressions and feelings too. When a child listens to an audio story, they hear and understand and use it in real life. 4) Communication skills: Learning in audio format does wonders to a child’s ability to communicate. Listening to stories, singing rhymes, dancing to songs enable a child to learn communication skills. 5) Listening skills: Building listening skills is essential for a child’s life-long learning and development. Without this skill, it is difficult to teach or learn anything at all. Listening to music, songs, rhymes, stories, sounds in audio format develops their listening skills. You can play any entertaining educational audio content at home and children can listen to it while they play and go about their day-to-day activities. You could use this as one way you help stop your child’s phone addiction. Passive listening teaches them so much! 6) Imaginative & Creative skills: When a child listens to a story, they start to image it. For instance, when a child listens to ‘Mary has a little lamb,’ he/she paints a picture of how the lamb looks like. They think how Mary might look like and how they may have played together or lived together. This imagination or visual representation in the mind of a child will not happen when they see a video as they get to see what they listen to. This is how audio helps a child grow in a way that video does not. 7) Builds confidence: Audio learning boosts their confidence levels. The child feels confident to speak out their thoughts. Building confidence in your child goes a long way. It helps to be more independent, bold, courageous. 8) Attention to detail: Attention to detail is a skill that children need to master. This is not just for their education but also for their career. This keeps them focused which helps a child strengthen their memory as well. 9) No eye strain: There is no strain on the eyes with audio form of learning or entertainment. Age-appropriate, child friendly educational and enjoyable content is beneficial to a child. Loud or inappropriate content as it can be detrimental to the child’s growth and development. Audio learning sure has certain advantages that video learning. Now that you are aware of it, go ahead and ensure your child has a fair share of audio learning. In case you have nothing available, just use your own voice. You can sing a rhyme with expressions, actions and voice modulation and see the magic you create in your child’s eyes!

How does audio help a child grow in a way that video doesn’t? Read More »

Difference between a Teacher and an Educator

To know the difference between a teacher and an educator, we must first understand what these two words mean. To put in simple words, a teacher is a person who teaches students. An educator is a person who educates students.  An example can give a clear picture of what these two roles are and how they differ from each other. Sophie is a primary school teacher. The school management hired her. She prepares her lesson plans based on the syllabus and curriculum and conducts assessments from time to time. She makes sure the children in her class pass the exams and plans her lessons according to the term timetable.  Linda is Sophie’s colleague in the same school. She does teach but also mainly manages the primary school classes. After teaching every lesson, Linda checks if the students really understood the lesson taught. She goes the extra mile to help those who need more attention. Linda spends time with her students even during the recess to understand every student in her class personally. Whenever possible, she teaches them life skills, morals, values and tells them real-life stories to give them a glimpse of the real world and how they should lead their lives. She encourages them to know and practice their talents, gifts and how they should work hard and grow in their lives. She leaves a lasting impact on her students as they learn so much more than academics from her.  Both Sophie and Linda are teachers. But they there every day tasks are not exactly the same. Sophie is a ‘Teacher,’ and Linda is an ‘Educator.’ We say this because: Sophie is a teacher. In addition, she focuses mainly on getting the syllabus completed on time. After that, teaching according to the set timetable, conducting exams or assessments, giving grades and helping children move to the next grade at the end of the academic year. Whereas Linda on the other hand, does teach but also does things beyond just teaching the children. She takes up things that may not be part of her job description. She takes interest in the growth of every single student. She looks out for their weaknesses and motivates them to grow in areas where they are not strong enough. She extends support through counselling if needed. And that is what makes Linda an ‘Educator.’ Another difference is that, sometimes an Educator may not be a trained to be a professional teacher but they are natural educators like e.g., parents. But teachers are formally trained to become a teacher.  Schools pay teachers when they work. But educators do what they do out of genuine love, care and concern towards the growth of children around them.  And these are some of the major differences between a teacher and an educator. Above all, they are definitely not the same and therefore these two words cannot be used to refer the same meaning. 

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