How it works?
Ever listened to a book? Or better yet, ever talked to one? goDiscover works so well with young children because it is very engaging, allowing personalisation of the content / books. At a very basic level, one can read the books. At the next level, one can add a sticker on a page of the book and record your voice on it, explaining a concept to the child, or asking them pertinent questions. Lastly, the child can record his/her reactions or responses over the same sticker.
So, simply put, you can
Read the book – rolling the pen over it shall read out the words and descriptions
Record on a sticker on the book – just press record to put your questions on the sticker
Play back what was recorded – by pressing the ‘play me’ button
The simple play-record-play allows you to be at two places at the same time – and while you are away, the child is still busy learning something.